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Jumat, 30 September 2011

Sekilas Tentang WordPress

WordPress adalah salah satu script opensource yang awalnya khusus bertujuan untuk blogging atau ngblog. Istilah Blogging atau ngeblog sendiri lahir dari hadirnya layanan publikasi online oleh yaitu salah satu pelopor applikasi yang memungkinkan anda semua mempublikasi artikel seperti layaknya catatan harian, sedangkan WordPress sendiri layanan yang sama seperti Blogger sekaligus mempunyai script independen opensource yang memperbolehkan anda untuk menggunakannya secara gratis.
Ada 2 Pilihan menggunakan Applikasi WordPress

1. Mendaftar di WordPress.Com
Anda bisa langsung mengunjungi mendaftar disana, seketika anda mendapatkan akun dan dapat menggunakan WordPress. Layanan tersebut gratis tapi tentunya dengan keterbatasan-keterbatasan yang ada.
2. Menyimpan Script WordPress di Server Hosting
Anda bisa menggunakan WordPress atau menginstall wordpress pada Web Hosting, yaitu salah satu tempat yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan data script wordpress anda secara online dan salah satu contoh adalah jasa wordpress hosting yang kami sediakan disini.
Wordpress dengan Hosting ini fiturnya lengkap tidak sepertihalnya layanan dari

Domain Murah Untuk Blog

Domain Murah Untuk Blogspot, Blogger, Wordpress

Anda mempunyai blog di Blogspot/Blogger atau Wordpres?

ingin merubah alamat domain anda menjadi domain milik sendiri?

Bagaimana caranya? Gampang banget!!!

Anda cukup membeli Domain sesuai dengan selera anda selanjutnya akan kita bantu anda untuk melakukan setting domain tersebut di Blog anda.

Klik disini untuk Daftar Harga Domain Murah Mulai 35rb

Anda juga bisa setting sendiri silahkan baca tutorial setting custom domain di blogspot

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Istilah di AdsenseCamp

Adsense Indonesia

Ada beberapa istilah di AdsenseCamp yang sering ditanyakan oleh para member. Kami akan mendeskripsikannya secara singkat seperti di bawah ini :

1. Page Impressions
- Page Impressions adalah jumlah yang menunjukkan berapa kali halaman di website Anda yang terdapat iklan AdsenseCamp yang dibuka oleh pengunjung website tersebut.

2. Click
- Clicks adalah jumlah klik pada iklan AdsenseCamp yang dipasang di website milik publisher (web owner). Dalam halaman member area, Anda dapat melihat total klik yang didapatkan.

3. PageCTR
- CTR adalah perbandingan dalam persen antara jumlah klik yang diterima pada iklan AdsenseCamp di website Anda dengan jumlah impresinya. Misal, apabila page imression Anda adalah 100 kali dan jumlah kliknya 5 klik, maka CTR nya adalah 5%.

4. Page eCPM
- eCPM atau CPM (Cost Per Million) adalah hasil pembagian antara jumlah pendapatan Anda dengan jumlah page impression (per 1000) yang anda dapatkan. Sebagai contoh, publisher yg menghasilkan $200 dari 50,000 impression akan memiliki nilai CPM sebesar $4 ($200/50).

5. Earning
Earning adalah jumlah pendapatan Anda atas klik yang anda dapatkan.

Adsense Camp apa sih ?

Adsense Indonesia

adsensecamp salah satu pelopor layanan Adsense Indonesia, merupakan agen periklanan online yang menggunakan sistem pay per click (PPC). Semakin meningkatnya produk dan layanan di adsensecamp tak lepas dari member yang telah bergabung lebih dari 90ribu dengan beragam website di dalamnya.

Dalam perkembangan adsensecamp tak lepas dari hal yang bersifat membangun dan hal yang bersifat kesalah pahaman, namun hal tersebut menjadikan kami sebuah masukan yang terbaik bagi perkembangan adsensecamp kedepan. Mungkin banyak di jumpai beberapa posting atau sebuah forum yang berisi topic yang bersifat kesalah pahaman yang menjadi sebuah pendapat bahwa “ Adsensecamp adalah SCAM “.

Sebuah kesalah pahaman dapat menjadi suatu hal yang belum dimengerti menjadi hal yang salah dan dapat kami berikan penjelasan bahwa “ Adsensecamp bukanlah SCAM “ segala hal yang kami lakukan baik melakukan suspend Account atau suspend website memiliki sebuah alasan. Ada baberapa hal yang sering di pertanyakan oleh Publisher atas proses payment dan suspend website tersebut, diantaranya :

1. Adsensecamp melakukan Suspend Account apabila Account member tersebut telah sering melakukan pelanggaran TOS di mayoritas semua website yang di daftarkannya.

2. Adsensecamp melakukan Suspend Website apabila website yang di daftarkan melanggar TOS dan mayoritas dikarenakan website Publisher mengandung unsure pornografi , memasang skrip lebih dari 3tampilan perhalaman website dan melakukan kecurangan dalam memasang skrip tersebut ( menyembunyikan skrip ). Penghasilan di Website yang tersuspend akan menjadi 0 dan refaund kembali ke saldo iklan Advertise.

3. Perhitungan penghasilan di peroleh dari klik terhadap skrip iklan adsensecamp dengan IP unik ( bukan IP computer ) dan 1 IP hanya untuk 1 kali klik valid selamanya.Apabila 1 IP yang sama melakukan klik setiap hari maka terhitung 1kali klik valid di awal melakukan klik. Serta klik valid adalah bukan dari klik yang di sengaja karena system sudah di program secara alami. Disini banyak Publisher yang mengatakan merasa di rugikan, namun yang merasa di rugikan adalah pihak Advertise yang proses promosi hanya sembarang di klik tanpa promosi yang tepat. Sehingga perhitungan dilakukan melalui IP Address unik.

4. Proses payment di lakukan per tgl 5 – 10 setiap bulannya.

bila berminat silahkan klik pada gambar banner ini;

 Posting lainnya:
Cara Menghasilkan Uang dari Adsense Camp

AdsenseCamp – Adsense Indonesia

Tutorial memasang iklan AdsenseCamp pada

Istilah di AdsenseCamp

What is it? SFIPPA

What is it?  SFIPPA is an optional, supplemental income program available to all SFI affiliates. Income is earned by getting others to take actions–such as filling out forms.

Each time you generate a qualified SFIPPA action, you'll earn a bounty. The amount of the bounty varies depending on the action. Two SFIPPAs are currently available (with more in the works):


Bounty: Up to $11 for each qualified sign-up

Click here for complete details on this PPA


Bounty: Up to $5 for each qualified sign-up
Click here for complete details on this PPA

Rules & Restrictions

To prevent fraud, participation in the SFIPPA program is highly monitored and several rules and restrictions are strictly enforced. See individual PPA pages for details. Participants not meeting the requirements will be suspended from further participation.


You can monitor all your SFIPPA activity by accessing your online PPA Report. Note that you will not receive e-mail notifications. All information will be provided instead in the online PPA Report.

Marketing aids & resources

Numerous SFI Gateway Websites, banners, text ads, Splash Pages, and more are at your disposal for your SFIPPA promotions. Refer to individual PPA pages for lists of marketing aids.


To participate in the SFIPPA program and enable tracking and crediting of all PPAs you generate, you will simply substitute the standard domain with the domain:

Example: If you're pursuing SFI Affiliate Sign-up PPAs, you could use the gateway:

Refer to individual PPA pages for the exact gateways to use.

Q: Can I participate in more than one PPA?
A: Yes, as many as you want. For example, on your Website, you could include banner ads for both SFI Affiliate Sign-ups and TC Member Sign-ups. And as more PPAs become available, you could add them too if you wish.

Q: Can I participate in the SFIPPA program AND also build a standard SFI business?
A: Yes, it's totally up to you. You can do either or both.

Q: What are the primary positives and negatives of the SFIPPA program versus the standard SFI program?
A: With the SFIPPA program, you can potentially generate larger paychecks quicker, whereas the standard SFI program may not pay out as quick but it allows you to tap into the wealth-building power of R & L Income (Residual and Leverage Income).

Here's another way to look at it: With SFIPPA, you could earn $2000 in your first 90 days, but unless you keep generating new PPAs, no more income will be realized. With the standard SFI program, on the other hand, it may take you longer to earn that first $2000, but you can continue to earn month after month from your efforts (i.e. Residual Income). Plus, your earnings can grow larger every month due to you being able to earn overrides on the sales on up to seven generations of affiliates that can form below you in your organization (i.e. Leveraged Income). See the SFI Compensation Plan for more on this.

Q: How do I get started with PPAs?
A: Click on the individual PPA info page (see links in the first section above), then follow the directions provided for using the specific PPA Gateways, banners, etc.

Q: Isn't this PPA program similar to ClickBucks?
A: Yes, the PPA program replaces ClicksBucks. If you're familiar with ClickBucks, you'll see that the PPA program works in much the same way. However, the PPA program is bigger in scope.

Q: Are any VersaPoints awarded in the PPA program?

A: Yes, 10 VersaPoints are awarded to the sponsor of the PPA participant for each $1.00 they earn in the PPA program.

SFI Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA)

SFI Pay-Per-Action (SFIPPA) is an optional, supplemental income program available to all SFI affiliates that allows you to act as an advertiser for SFI and earn supplemental income by getting others to take actions such as filling out forms.

Each time you generate a qualified SFIPPA action, you earn a bounty. The amount of the bounty varies depending on the action. Two SFIPPAs are currently available (with more in the works):

Bounty: Up to $11 for each qualified sign-up

Bounty: Up to $5 for each qualified sign-up

For complete details on SFIPPA, click HERE.........

11 Reasons Why The SFI Comp Plan Rocks!

1. Clean, simple, generous, and fair! 2. No purchase requirements...ever!

3. Start earning income immediately just by doing simple free actions!

4. Earn up to six different ways: Direct Commissions, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Co-Sponsor Commissions, TCredits Bonus, ECA Royalties, and SFI Pay-Per-Action!

5. Qualify for EVERY type of compensation with as little as 1500 VP a month!

6. All qualifying VP can be generated with just actions, or combinations of actions and sales!

7. A huge 40% of the Commission Volume (CV) on EVERY sale at goes into the TripleClicks Executive Pool. Share in this big, companywide pool with a minimum of just 1500 VP a month!

8. With OVER 44000 available products from more than 95 countries, has something for everyone. This makes selling products online both fun and lucrative. And it's even easier to earn VP with Transfer Buying (buying from the products you already buy elsewhere)!

9. Fast upfront compensation and great long-term residual income potential too!

10. There's no limit to how much you can earn. Go as wide as you want while also earning deep into your organization via the TripleClicks Executive Pool!

11. Get paid in your country's currency via our Payoneer™ MasterCard or via check, PayPal, or AlertPay. See our Getting Paid FAQs for more information HERE.,
, just launched in January 2009, is an exciting new destination on the Web. TripleClicks currently features 44622 products and services, with hundreds more new products added weekly, including collectibles and items available nowhere else on the Internet. TripleClicks also allows its members to simply and easily sell their own unwanted items for cash or trade. SFI affiliates can earn handsome commissions promoting products and services available at TripleClicks. 

SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group

SFI's Corporate Headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska
SFI's corporate headquarters in Lincoln, Nebraska.
SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to more than 44000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 countries around the world.
SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.
Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups.

Gateway Real Internet Income

Pricebenders Gateway:
Refer people to the Pricebenders "Winners List" Gateway to spread the word about Pricebenders auctions and the jaw-dropping deals that are taking place daily.

TripleClicks Gateway:
This Gateway will drop off your prospective customers at the main homepage.

TripleClicks Free Sample Gateway:
If you wish to offer a free sample listing, refer your prospects to your free sample offer TC Gateway above. IMPORTANT restrictions may apply when using the TripleClicks free sample listing offer. Learn more.

Direct Sales Gateways
Advanced Marketers: If you have the experience to generate sales directly, you may wish to promote individual SFI products and programs. Below are Gateways for specific products at TripleClicks. For text ads, banners, and other marketing aids to use with these Gateways, see this page. NOTE: For instructions on marketing individual products and services at, see this article.
Advanced Liquid Nutrition Gateway:


VeryVIP Standard Hosting Package:
VeryVIP SiteBuilder Hosting Package Package:
VeryVIP Professional Hosting Package:
VeryVIP Professional Hosting Package w/RocketStart:
VeryVIP International Reseller's Hosting Package:

The Natural™ Cleaners:

My Magazines:
Individual TripleClicks Product and Department Gateways
For complete details and information about choosing individual products and departments to promote, check out TripleClicks 101.

ECA (E-Commerce Associates) Gateway:
Refer companies that sell products to your ECA Gateway, and for each one that becomes an approved ECA, you'll earn up to 6% of the CV(Commission Volume) on all of their sales at TripleClicks–for life! Learn more.

Looking for a REAL way to earn money online?

Looking for a REAL way to earn money online? Look no further. Get SFI—and get REAL results with a REAL and PROVEN company.

Yesterday, 683 people from 78 different countries became SFI affiliates. That's one enrollment every 126 seconds. And that's just from ONE day!

Why is SFI growing so fast? Simple. SFI works. The fact is, for more than 13 years now, SFI has been showing men and women all over the world how to build profitable Internet businesses from the comfort of their homes. Today, with 4148 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. See for yourself (see latest enrollments at right)!
5 More Reasons Why SFI ROCKS:

• No purchase requirements...ever!
• Start earning income immediately just by doing simple free actions!
• Fast upfront compensation + great long-term residual income potential!
• Get paid in your country's currency via our Payoneer™ MasterCard, check, PayPal™, or AlertPay™!
• Share in profits from ALL sales at each month!

More ....

One of the big reasons for our success is our unique online storefront, TripleClicks is one of the fastest growing and most popular e-commerce sites on the Web today. And as an SFI affiliate, YOU share in its profits because it's YOUR store! With more than 44000 products (and hundreds of new products being added weekly), TripleClicks has something for everyone--and that makes online selling both lucrative and fun! Plus, through our , we've partnered with hundreds of companies from all over the world to provide you with access to exciting, high-profit products and services from right within your own country!

But we've only just begun! Over the next 10 years, explosive worldwide growth is projected for SFI. If you'd like to get onboard and share in our growth and profits — and you're willing to put in the time and effort to build a successful business — we'd love to work with you!

Get started quick, easy, and FREE!
There is no cost to become an SFI affiliate, and we provide complete training and all the Websites and marketing tools you'll need to get started, all FREE.

Still not sure? Check out what others are saying about SFI. We also invite you to bookmark this page and return as many times as you'd like and watch our amazing growth. But don't wait too long. Your best opportunity is NOW. Remember, there's no cost to join and there's no obligation.

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